Create a LinkedIn Company Page free

What is LinkedIn Company Page

Create a LinkedIn Company Page free

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Create a LinkedIn Company Page

What to Post on a LinkedIn Company Page

Creating a LinkedIn presence for your company expands your brand trust and awareness. Here are a few ideas for what to post on your LinkedIn page to maximize your ROI.

1. Share company updates and news.

LinkedIn, like any other social network, features a content stream on which people share and discuss important articles and updates. Your Page is a perfect place to post your company updates and news for customers, employees, investors, and fans to review and share.

2. Post open jobs and connect with potential employees.

LinkedIn is a professional social network, meaning users benefit from work and career-related updates, connections, and interactions. LinkedIn members are primed to discover and discuss job opportunities, including the ones at your company. If you have any open roles, LinkedIn is the perfect place to share them.

In fact, LinkedIn provides Career Pages — a space separate from your Company Page that’s dedicated to open jobs, recruiting, and employer branding.

3. Build a community.

Every social network boasts its own ability to foster a sense of community, and LinkedIn is no exception.

Your LinkedIn Company Page is a place to build a community of LinkedIn members who are interested in your business, updates, and jobs. Here, they can connect and collaborate on their shared interest in your company. Post interesting questions, behind-the-scenes information, and unique updates to engage your audience and build camaraderie on your Page.

4. Grow and keep your brand’s image consistent on social media.

If you’re active on other social networks, having a presence on LinkedIn can help you grow your audience elsewhere. Most social networks allow you to link to and from your LinkedIn page to boost recognition and increase your number of followers.

Additionally, some of your audience may only be active on LinkedIn, so creating a Page would give you a chance to connect with new potential customers and employees.

5. Improve your discoverability on search engines.

LinkedIn Company Pages rank on search engine results pages (SERPs) like any other website or social network. Creating a Page gives your company another opportunity to be discovered by those searching for your products, services, or brand.

LinkedIn Company Pages vs. LinkedIn Groups

Another popular feature on LinkedIn is LinkedIn Groups, where like-minded people digitally gather to discuss common topics, industries, or (in some cases) companies. Many users get these two features confused.

LinkedIn Company Pages are the equivalent to your “website” on LinkedIn; you create it on behalf of your company, and it belongs to you (as a business owner and/or marketer). You’re responsible for updating your Page and posting new content and updates. Other LinkedIn members can follow your Page and engage with your content.

On the other hand, LinkedIn Groups are collaborative networks that can be created and engaged with by any LinkedIn member. Some groups are private while Open Groups can be read or joined by anyone.

Now, a company can create a LinkedIn Group for certain internal teams or subgroups, but LinkedIn Groups can’t necessarily replace LinkedIn Company Pages.

How to Create a Company Page on LinkedIn

Whether you already have a LinkedIn account or are new to the platform, creating a LinkedIn Company Page is easy. Follow these steps to get started.

Your presence in the global business network

similar questions

company page allows companies to present

\ themselves on LinkedIn . The Company Page allows LinkedIn members to learn more about your business, brand, products and services,

and career opportunities. Before you can create a Page, you must have a LinkedIn account.

How do I get to my company page on LinkedIn?

Go to the admin view of your page. In the Your Company Pages module on the left side of the LinkedIn homepage,

click the correct Page name.

How much does a company account on LinkedIn cost?

LinkedIn Premium Business costs 44 euros per month. However, this only applies to annual payments. With this tariff you can send 15 InMails per month, view profile visitors, search for people without restrictions, view company insights and take part in online video courses.

How do I get to my company page on LinkedIn?

Create a LinkedIn Company Page free

Go to the admin view of your page. In the Your Company Pages module on the left side of the LinkedIn homepage, click the correct Page name.

How do I use LinkedIn as a business?

Basically, you can use LinkedIn for business to:

Publish your own content or status reports such as current company, product or brand news.

Share other relevant content.

Follow other sites , companies and influencers.

Is a LinkedIn Company Page free?

How much does a company page on LinkedIn cost ? The classic LinkedIn Company Page is free . The creation of featured pages is also free . Of course, LinkedIn also has paid products such as the LinkedIn career page, the Sales Navigator or the placement of LinkedIn advertisements.

Who is LinkedIn useful for?

If you would like to start your career with a global company or international employer, a LinkedIn profile is the right choice. You will be found by potential employers, HR managers, colleagues or headhunters on this online professional network.

How do I create a company profile?

Create a LinkedIn Company Page

Your company profile gives you an overview of your company. You can also name important key data – for example number of employees, year of foundation, headquarters – important milestones or cooperations, as well as describe the company history or the strategy of your company.

Know and develop target group

Find topics and content that interest your target group.

Move your site visitors to specific actions with a customizable button.

Convert site visitors into leads by adding a Lead Gen Form that allows members to leave their contact information in an auto-completed form.

Keep track of your activity with visual analytics.

With LinkedIn product pages, you ensure exchange about your product and generate high-quality leads.

Create a LinkedIn Company Page

Involve your employees

Share @mentions and top LinkedIn posts from your employees. 

By informing employees about important posts on your company page, you increase your organic reach.

Celebrate the successes of your company or your employees on your side.

Support the internal exchange of your employees in a trustworthy, secure environment – with the tab  “Your company”

Create a LinkedIn Company Page

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